The 1778-79 Sciences Collection by Diderot in Original Copper Engravings
Period Paper is pleased to offer one of the most exclusive and important collections of original copper engravings, related to the arts and sciences, ever produced. The original copper engravings offered here, dating from 1778-1779, were produced to illustrate the articles written over 20+ years for the first edition of the Encyclopedie, ou dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des metiers, edited by Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alembert. Representing the thought of the French Enlightenment, the aim of this great project in Diderot's words, was to "change the common way of thinking" through the expansion of knowledge and the development of critical modes of thought.
Included in the nearly 450 engravings released in three groups, you will find images that delve into nearly every aspect of the arts and sciences. From anatomy to surgery, architecture to tailoring, anthropology to bookmaking, games to cooking and the culinary arts, civil law to clockmaking, dance to education, fashion to gardening, hydraulics to medicine, the military arts to music and mythology, astronomy to navigation, pathology to printing and paper making, traveling to type making, zoology, and so many more.
This collection is going quickly. Secure your piece of history today.